Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just responding to Michael's comment, you know , Russel Oliver, the freaky guy on tv.
i'm the cash man, i'll give you money for your gold , oh yeah! Freaky, i know.


Russel Oliver is really screwed up. Seriously.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Crazy day

Hi. i didn't get to write this yesterday and i'll explain why. Yesterday i didn't have such a great day.

It all started when i had to get up at 6:00 so my dad could drive me to my mom's house.

Than my friend Max came over for breakfast (which isn't a bad thing because i barely get to see him any more), but i had to leave right away to reach my street car (which i was already behind schedule for), And i didn't really get a chance to talk to Max.

I just barely made the street car on time. Michael and Sam got on and we were just talking when the street car driver gos on the speak and says there 's a problem and the street car has to turn a different way.

So we're walking along some street in little India when we see this glass door and at the bottom the glass is broken and there's this hole. Non of us know what that's about.

We make it to the next street car stop right when a street car is coming.

Even though this whole adventure thing happens, we're just under 10 minutes late. We explain everything that happened and she still makes all of us do times tables at break.

The rest of the school day isn't too crazy just the regular.


WOO-HOO! Its the weekend. Even though it felt like a really fast week for me i'm glad it's over.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter blues

OH MY GOD! The winter is getting to EVERYONE. It seems like everyone is grumpy or sad or bitter or just plain emo. For example, Henry and Jason were yelling at each other during gym and throwing birdys at each other and snapping at each other, REER. Any way, it just seem like everyone is so down, well at least I try to keep a good attitude ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why not smile :)

Do you know what i've realised lately, even though the world's economy is down the toilet, and teachers are poring homework on us like there's no tomorrow, i am still an outrageously happy person. i just feel that i have such a bright personality. You can ask any of my friends and they'll all say "Mitch is a bright happy person". You can even see by my blog how bright i am. And i don't mind smile in public, and i'm always smiling. What the hell, why not smile:) Y

Blogging is NOT LAME!!!

Hi! Today i was really pissed off at my friends (minus Michael) because i was trying to tell them how cool blogging was and they would just say "blogging is so lame, why don't you just get face book." and i'm just thinking "what the hell, you've probably never even been to the web site and it' actually a lot of fun. :(

Monday, January 26, 2009

Awesome cartoons

Hi everyone (which is probably only Michael) :) ! I just discovered Natalie Dee cartoons and i don't know how i lived with out them. i googled Natalie Dee and just looking at them i start laughing out loud and my family is looking at me like i'm some loonie. i'm going to start printing off pages of Natalie Dee cartoons and putting them in my room.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hi! Mitch here, I don't have any thing to talk about today.