Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hi guys. Today was the MOST INSANE DAY EVER!!! I had two major presentations (actually three but there wasn't enough time for my group) and i f-ed up on both of them. My drama presentation was pretty good until i got to this part and i couldn't stop laughing. Urgh!!!! :( Luckily my teacher made redo it after school. But my news report was really studery. :( Bla.

What ever. Oh ya, another reason my day was so messed up, well it's a long story, i'll start from the beginning.

So there was this plush cat toy hanging around the school and no one knew who it belonged to. So Michael, Nate, Kara and maybe so other people took it out side for lunch break. They named it Bernidet and they played with it like it was a baby. Someone left it on the ground and i picked it up, then Kara was like "No! My baby!" then i was like "It's mine now!" and she started chasing me so i threw it up in the air. Then basically Michael and Kara were like "Bernidet is dead!" and i was like "No! She's just in a coma!" And then they hated me and then there was a big fight over the body then she woke up from her coma then there was another fight and Nate through Bernidet over the fence to the train tracks. Fortunately, before more madness could unroll, but after school Nate got the cat some how but we left it in the school yard. He he he. I did a bad thing. This morning, i made it to school really early and i found Bernidet and i put her in my backpack. Then when i got upstairs and in the locker room i put her in Nate's locker, then i waited. When Nate opened his locker he actually screamed! It was so funny! I almost pissed myself laughing!

Oh no! I have to go. I'll finish this crazy story next time.

Bye! ;)

1 comment:

  1. aww mitch, i dont hate you.
    dont worry, we stole bernadette to avoid an unpleasant end :) so she's fine now.
    i only washed her..
