Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hi guys. Sorry i haven't written in a week, but there was some virus, and then it turned out it was fake, and then my mom was like "do you have facebook without my permission?" and i'm like, "mom, i already told you, i don't have facebook" I'm getting facebook at the end of the school year but my mom's being paranoid.

My brother is SOOOOOOO lame, he's nine and he's watching poker on tv and he's saying what the tv's saying right after the tv. Anyway he needs to get a life. OMG!!!!! He just turned off the lights in the room i'm writing this in. What the hell. @#$&!

I'm kind of angry at one of my "friends". Don't worry, it's non of you guys. I'm not going to point any fingers. This person has been acting different for about the last two months and not in a good way. She is way too violent and mean to some people. I'm wondering if i should even be friends with her sometimes. She needs to learn to keep her hands to herself.
I'm kind of sad about that, but if worst comes to worst, i might have to say "goodbye".


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