Friday, March 27, 2009

My Life

Hi guys!!! So if you haven't noticed, my blog's all changed up and it's really cool! Anyway this girl at school is apparently spreading rumors about me, well i have something to say about that:), BITCH! BITCH! BITCH! DON'T MESS WITH ME!!!!! :) Sorry, i just had to get that off chest. So you know what's great, c'est le week end-a-vous, which is sweet. I'm watching this movie right now, it's really funny!

You know what sucks, when ever anyone walks by Yummy House there is always the ass-hole guy who says something really gerkish and your just like wa-ta-fa, and you can't cross the street because there's riverdale and they're just as bad and there's this guy and everyday after school who shouts "Hey Evan! Don't egnore me!" Woo-hoo, scary.
Eww, have you ever had any "ocward conversations with your parents, i just did.




  1. What was the awkward convo... and yes... I am following your blog now and absolutely LOVE IT!!

  2. I know it says derek but it is really me .... Lindsay, I just don't have one of those things to comment under :)
