Monday, March 23, 2009


AHHHH! My life is fool of frigging creepers! AHHH! If you live under a rock and you don't know who, or what creepers are, well there just, CREEPERS, that's the only way to describe them. Here some examples, people that talk to them selves on buses, streetcars, ect, people that smile and wink at you even though you don't know them, basically just crazy, creepy people. Anyway, i saw a creeper on the streetcar today and i HAD to get that off my chest. Oh yeah, by the way, i LUV the show iCarly, it's my favourite show on ytv, especially the new episodes.

And i'm going to do something new on my posts, i'm going to ask you what you think about certain topics that i'm writing about on my blog or ask you questions about something i've written. So PLEASE, take the time to post a comment (yes, that includes you Michael).
So my first question is, what do you think of the idea, and have you even seen any creepers, what were they like????

Mitch :)

1 comment:

  1. well mitch, i just have to say that when you define creepers, you say that they are creepy people. however, if youve just met them, how do you really know them? how do you know who they are really like? you dont. thats the thing. you dont know if they had a troubling childhood, or if they were born to act in a certain way. when you call them creepers, is it really a nice thing to say to someone? people, who are just being people, because we arent all sane.
    and its okay not to be, isnt it?

    when you see these people in everday life, you distance yourself from them because you dont want to be involved with them. but that person who is talking to themselves, and the lady on drugs, they are still people, they are still people just like you. and you dont need to be afraid of them because you know that even if they are saying things to you, that they are still people with emotions inside, and they can understand things as well as you but in a different way.
