Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Fine

Hi guys, sorry i haven't written in a little while. I'm on vacation in Arizona and it's really nice and sunny and beautifully and oh yeah, by the way i thought you should know, umm, i was in a CAR CRASH!!!!!! This is not a joke, we were on the high way and we stoped and all the sudden it was just like BOOMMMM!!!!! The car was totaled but i'm fine, so there's no need to send me teddy bears or any retarded "get well soon" cards ;) I have to go, miss u, c u soon
Mitch :)


  1. oh my god mitch i was in a car crash too oh my god.
    it was the year before last year, my mother's car slid on ice... :/

  2. mitch, i dont care, i am going to get you a teddy bear and a get well soon card.
