Friday, March 27, 2009

My Life

Hi guys!!! So if you haven't noticed, my blog's all changed up and it's really cool! Anyway this girl at school is apparently spreading rumors about me, well i have something to say about that:), BITCH! BITCH! BITCH! DON'T MESS WITH ME!!!!! :) Sorry, i just had to get that off chest. So you know what's great, c'est le week end-a-vous, which is sweet. I'm watching this movie right now, it's really funny!

You know what sucks, when ever anyone walks by Yummy House there is always the ass-hole guy who says something really gerkish and your just like wa-ta-fa, and you can't cross the street because there's riverdale and they're just as bad and there's this guy and everyday after school who shouts "Hey Evan! Don't egnore me!" Woo-hoo, scary.
Eww, have you ever had any "ocward conversations with your parents, i just did.



Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Kara, i'm very sorry, i really didn't mean to offend anyone. :(

Monday, March 23, 2009


AHHHH! My life is fool of frigging creepers! AHHH! If you live under a rock and you don't know who, or what creepers are, well there just, CREEPERS, that's the only way to describe them. Here some examples, people that talk to them selves on buses, streetcars, ect, people that smile and wink at you even though you don't know them, basically just crazy, creepy people. Anyway, i saw a creeper on the streetcar today and i HAD to get that off my chest. Oh yeah, by the way, i LUV the show iCarly, it's my favourite show on ytv, especially the new episodes.

And i'm going to do something new on my posts, i'm going to ask you what you think about certain topics that i'm writing about on my blog or ask you questions about something i've written. So PLEASE, take the time to post a comment (yes, that includes you Michael).
So my first question is, what do you think of the idea, and have you even seen any creepers, what were they like????

Mitch :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This my 30th post SPECTACULAR!! WOO HOO!! This post is going to be extra speical!

I'll start off with every kind of smilely face i can think of.

:) :( ;) :D :-) :-D :-( :P :} :] (:-D =D =) :3 ;3 :> =( :<

Now here's a whole bunch of hearts


By the way, hope you like the crazy-ass fireworks at the top of this post.

P.S. Michael, you changed your name "Michael Mirage" because you thought it was dumb, but now you're Michael Motor Cycle!?
Any way this has been my 30th post!!!!
Mitch =D

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sorry, but it upsets me when people don't comment on my posts and i comment to like, every post seriously, it's freaky. Anyway this is going to be a HUGE post about my vacation. So it started out on friday when we were driving to Buffalo to catch a plane to Cleavland, and we were stoped in traffic (you all ready know this) and all the sudden it was like SHABANG-A-BOOM-A-CRUNCH!!!!!!!! And my dad got out of the car and he was fuming and my brother was crying and my dad's girl friend was about to freak out and was shaking from the adrenaline and under my breath i was like -shit-. So ya, everyone was freaking out, we found out that it was a four car collision, but we got a rental car and we made it to the airport in time. When we got to Cleavland we took another flight to Phoenix and drove to where we were staying . We were staying with my dad's girlfriend's mother. It was SO sunny and hot, by 4:00pm it's like 85 degrees. There was 3 swimming pools!:) I did so some shopping and i got some great deal and some great clothes. Oh ya, before i forget, my brother did not shut the hell up! He keeps shouting "Drink, Gamble and Hump!" and thinking "Shut the #%!? up you don't even know what you're talking about!" :(

My family one night went to this restaurant called the organ stop and their was this big organ that came out of the stage and there were big lights and puppets, it was pretty fun.

I forgot to mention i visited Sedona which is this town in the middle of this big rocky mountainous area which was really cool and we visited this church built into the rocks and we visited this place called Montezuma's castle which is this house-building thing that was carved into the cliff, it was really cool. Speaking of cool, anyone ever been to the grand canyon! You don't even know how incredible it is! You're just like omfg, wow is the only word to describe it. Some pictures from there are at the top of this post. Anyway, we didn't do much else, just chillin'.
On the way home we flew from Phoenix to New Jersey. When we got there the flight was delayed from 3:30 to 5:55. From 5:55 to 5:45. Than 6:15. Than 7:15. Than this lady announced that the flight was over booked so we gave up our seats and got 500 hundred dollars each for the air line and we got to stay in this nice hotel that we could see New York from. we flew to Buffalo and then came home and my cat freaked and would not let us go.
This post has been my longest post ever. Wow. that was my great vacation.
Ha i told you i could write long posts Allie.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Fine

Hi guys, sorry i haven't written in a little while. I'm on vacation in Arizona and it's really nice and sunny and beautifully and oh yeah, by the way i thought you should know, umm, i was in a CAR CRASH!!!!!! This is not a joke, we were on the high way and we stoped and all the sudden it was just like BOOMMMM!!!!! The car was totaled but i'm fine, so there's no need to send me teddy bears or any retarded "get well soon" cards ;) I have to go, miss u, c u soon
Mitch :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Wanna be No Emo

Okay, i think we can all agree that my blog is a pretty cheery one and someone today said that blogs are supposed to be sad, well i think i can still enjoy writing and all you-s guys can keep enjoying reading this if it's happy. I don't think i should have to go emo to be a blogger. Sorry this blog is so stupid and boring but i just wanted to write something.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stop Fighting

I'm kind of depressed because some of my friends at school are really angry at each other and they're always yelling at each other. They're crying and talking to the teachers and i can't go up to them and say "Ya, that was mean what they did to you" because they're all my friends and i really don't want to chose sides. I feel so torn between the two sides and it feels like they're fighting over nothing.

HOLY CRAP!! March break! So close! So excited! Can't breath! AHHH!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Arugh! I'm so so so so board! Help i'm dieing of boredom! For now read these funny little thing i thought of.

"Got milk?"


"What do you mean NO! I need the milk! Where the hell is the f***ing milk!"
Okay, you'll probably all find this strang but i'm actually not mentally insane.
-Mitch ;)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

By the way, for all of you people that put song lyrics at the beginning of there blogs, it really confuses me because i'm like "What the hell are they talking about?" Sorry, that's just how stupid i am. ;)
Today i don't really have anything to talk about, scratch that, anything GOOD to talk about, because i basically spent my entire day up in my room reading and sketching and listening to music (p.s. today it felt like there was nothing good on the radio), so i'll talk about my life, (in point form) ;)
  1. My brother has the stupidest, most annoying like phrases like "O dang/darn or shoot" which i find extremely corny and i just want to tell him to shut up!
  2. My friend just sold me his old X-Box which was really nice and it came with like a gazillion games and stuff but i feel like i'm barley gonna use it.
  3. And do you know what really annoyed me about today? My little brothers friend kept bursting into my room while i was reading or drawing and stuff and screaming and coming over and asking me questions about what i was doing. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention, i was reading Watchmen and he's all like " Is it really gory, is there a lot of nudity, are you going to see the movie, i'm not allowed to see the movie." Jeez can i nave some space!

Anyway, sorry this blog was so bad. :(

Friday, March 6, 2009

Leave Me alone

Okay, so probably like a million years ago (or at least it feels like it) it was the valentine's day dance. And i wasn't going to be the lame dork who doesn't ask the girl they like to dance. So i asked her to dance and she said yes, and everyone knew i liked someone but no one knew who, so when i asked her to dance everyone was like O MY GOD it's her! And the next day everyone was like are you gonna ask her out? And bugging me and stuff. And then it was kind of quiet, but recently people have brought it up more often, and the worst part is i don't even know if i like her anymore.

from the confused Mitch :(

Thursday, March 5, 2009


WTF! My brother is actually obsessed with the most f-ed up tv shows in the world! And if i change the channel he goes loopy and cries. And do you know what the funnest part about this is? I'm writing this while he's watching an extremely screwed up show and he has no idea. I actually want to jab my eyes out with a spoon! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! Screw you writers of these messed up tv shows! Arugh!

From the very pissed of Mitch ;)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Michael i'm not stupid! stupid! Stupid!

Gonna Explode!

OMFG! I'm so friging excited! On friday i'm going rock climbing (which is gonna be sweat!) and after rock climbing i'm probably going to Michael's party (again sweat). And it's so close to march break i can taste it. The reason i'm so hyped about march break is because i'm going to Arizona and it's gonna be hot (and sweat)! I'm so excited i feel like i'm gonna explode!


Video killed the radio star! :(

Monday, March 2, 2009


Oh my god, i'm so happy that i have more followers. Before i only had one follower and i was complaining, but i'm so happy!:) Thanks and Please keep reading my blog. Luv u guys!